姓 名: 马志军
专业方向: 材料学
电 话: 15623062816
Email: mazhijun@hubu.edu.cn
1) Z J Ma, G Chen, P Zhou, Z H Mei and T J Zhang,Ferroelectric tunneling under bias voltages,J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 50 (2017) 015303
2) Gen Chen, Zhijun Ma*, Peng Zhou, Zhiheng Mei, Kun Liang, and Tianjin Zhang,Four-state memory based on ferroelectric tunnel junctions with double ferroelectric layers,Physica Status Solidi A: Applications and Materials Science 2017 DOI 10.1002/pssa.201700048
3) Zhijun Ma, Peng Zhou, Tianjin Zhang, Kun Liang and Paul K Chu,Resonance-enhanced electroresistance-magnetoresistance effects in multiferroic tunnel junctions,Mater. Res. Express 2 (2015) 046303
4) Zhijun Ma, Tianjin Zhang, Kun Liang, Yajun Qi, Duofa Wang, Jinzhao Wang, and Juan Jiang,Ferroelectric tunnel junctions with multi-quantum well structures,Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 222904 (2014)
5) Zhijun Ma, Tianjin Zhang, Ruikun Pan, Kun Liang, Duofa Wang, Jingang Wang, Jinzhao Wang, Juan Jiang, Yajun Qi, and Huifang Chu, Tunneling electroresistance effect in Pt/MgO/Pt/PbTiO3/Pt ferroelectric tunnel junctions, Appl. Phys. Lett., 101(2), 022906, 2012
6) Z. J. Ma, T. J. Zhang, R. K. Pan, M. G. Duan, and M. He, Optimal dielectric thickness for ferroelectric tunnel junctions with a composite barrier, J. Appl. Phys., 111(7), 074311, 2012
7) Zhijun Ma,Tianjin Zhang, Miao He, Ruikun Pan, Kai Fu, and Jingyang Wang, Crystallization and electrical properties of Ba0.7Sr0.3TiO3 thin ?lms on SrRuO3/Pt hybrid bottom electrode, J Mater Sci: Mater Electron, 22(1), 35-39, 2011
8) Zhijun Ma,Tianjin Zhang,and Jingyang Wang, Electrical properties and extension mechanism of Ohmic region of sol–gel derived Ba0.7Sr0.3TiO3 thin ?lms by Zn doping, J Mater Sci: Mater Electron, 22(7), 862-865, 2011
章天金,潘瑞琨,马志军,江娟,王今朝,梁坤,张柏顺,詹芬,新型非致冷红外探测器阵列的制备及相关产品的开发,武汉市人民政府, 武汉市科技进步奖,一等奖,2011
1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目“共振隧穿铁电隧道结巨TER效应与存储特性研究”( 11574073),88万元,主持,2016-2019
2) 湖北省自然科学基金面上项目“复合铁电隧道结制备、结构优化与存储特性研究”(2013CFB006), 3万元,主持,已结题