姓名:李玲(Ling Li)英文名字aimee 
2003/09-2008/06,中国科学院长春应用化学研究所无机化学专业 博士学位
2008/07-2009/03,韩国釜庆国立大学物理学院 research professor
2009/04-2010/03,日本北海道大学电子科学研究所 特任研究员
2013/08-2015/03, 韩国釜庆国立大学物理学院 contract professor
Ling LI, and Siyuan Zhang, “Dependence of Charge transfer Energy on Crystal Structure and Composition in Eu3+-doped Compounds” The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2006, 110, 21438-21443
Ling LI, Shihong Zhou, and Siyuan Zhang, “Investigation on Relationship between Charge Transfer Position and Dielectric Definition of Average Energy Gap in Eu3+-Doped Compounds” The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2007,111, 3205-3210
Ling LI, Hyun Yang, Byung Kee Moon, Zuoling Fu, Chongfeng Guo, Jung Hyun Jeong, Soung Soo Yi, Kiwan Jang , and Ho Sueb Lee“Photoluminescence Properties of CeO2:Eu3+ Nanoparticles Synthesized by a Sol-Gel Method”The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2009, 113, 610-617
Ling LI, Shihong Zhou, and Siyuan Zhang, “Crystal Structure and Charge transfer energy of the Vaterite-Type orthoborate YBO3: Eu” Solid State Sciences, 2008,10,1173-1178
Ling LI, Shihong Zhou, and Siyuan Zhang,“Investigation on the Charge Transfer Bands of Ce4+ in Blue Phosphor Sr2CeO4” Chemical Physics Letters,2008,453,283-289
Ling LI, Shihong Zhou, and Siyuan Zhang, “Calculation of Charge Transfer Energies of Yb3+ and Sm3+ in Crystals with Chemical Bond Method” Journal of Luminescence, 2009, 129, 187-191
Ling LI, Hyun Kyoung Yang, Byung Kee Moon, Byun Chun Choi, Jung Hyun Jeong, Jung Hwan Kim, “Photoluminescent Properties of Ln2O3:Eu3+ (Ln=Y, Lu and Gd) Prepared by Hydrothermal Process and Sol-gel Method”Mater. Chem. Phys. , 2010, 119, 471-477
Ling LI, Hyun Kyoung Yang, Byung Kee Moon, Byun Chun Choi, Jung Hyun Jeong, Jung Hwan Kim, “Photoluminescence Properties of Tetragonal and Monoclinic ZrO2:Eu Nanocrystals Synthesized by a Sol-Gel Route” Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2011,11(1),350-357
Meifang wang, Ling Li*, Xiaoguang Liu*, Liqun Zhou*, Jung Hyun Jeong*, et.al “Charge transfer bands of Mo-O and photomuminescence properties of micro-material Y2MoO6:Eu3+ red phosphor”., Journal of Alloys and Compounds 585 (2014) 138–145
Ling Li, Xiaoguang Liu, Hyeon Mi Noh, Jung Hyun Jeong*, “Chemical bond parameters and photoluminescence of a natural-white-light Ca9La(VO4)7:Tm3+,Eu3+ with one O2-→V5+ charge transfer and dual f-f transition emission centers”, Journal of Solid State chemistry, 221(2015)95-101
Ling Li, Xiaoguang Liu, Hyeon Mi Noh, Sung Heum Park, Jung Hyun Jeong*,
Kwang Ho Kim, “Key chemical parameters related to the width of the charge transfer and the emission intensity of 5D0→7F2 in Eu3+ doped Ln2O3”,
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 620(2015),324-328
Xiaoguang Liu, Ling Li*, Hyeon Mi Noh, Byung Kee Moon, Byung Chen Choi, Jung Hyun Jeong*, “chemical bond properties and charge transfer bands of O2--Eu3+, O2--Mo6+ and O2--W6+ in Eu3+ -doped garnet hosts Ln3M5O12 and ABO4 molybdates and tungstates phosphors”, Dalton Transactions 43 (2014) 8814-8825
Fei Hong, Liqun Zhou*, Ling Li*, Qing hua Xia, Xinru Luo“combustion synthesis and luminescent properties of red-emitting Ca4-xAl6WO16:xEu3+ phosphors and photoluminescence enhancement by Bi3+ co-doping”, optics cummunications, 316, 206-210(2014)
Ling Li, Hyeon Mi Noh, Byung Kee Moon, Jung Hyun Jeong*, Byung Chun Choi, and Xiaoguang Liu, “Tunable white-light emission in single-phase Ca9Gd(VO4)7:Tm3+, Eu3+” Optical Materials Express, Vol. 4, Issue 1, pp. 16-28 (2014)
Hejuan Song, Liqun zhou*, Ling Li*, Ting Wang, Fei Hong, Xinru Luo“EDTA-assisted hydrothermal synthesis, characterization, and luminescent properties of YPO4·nH2O:Eu3+ (n = 0, 0.8) micro?akes and microbundles” Materials Science and Engineering B 178 (2013) 1012–1018
Ling Li, Hyeon Mi Noh, Xiaoguang Liu, Byung Kee Moon, Byung Chun Choi, Jun Hyun Jeong*, “Synthesis and Photoluminescence properties of nanorod bundle Ln4O(OH)9NO3:Eu (Ln=Y, Lu) prepared by hudrothermal method” Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology Vol. 15, 5052-5056, 2015
He-juan Song, Li-qun zhou*, Ying Huang, Ling Li*, Ting wang, Lan Yang, “ Synthesis, characterization and luminescent Properties of La2Zr2O7:Eu nanorods”, Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 26,2013, 83
Ling Li et. al. Crystal structure and two types of Eu3+-centered emission in Eu3+ doped Ca2V2O7, Journal of Luminescence , 2015, 161, 318-322
Ling Li and Xiao Guang Liu “Effects of change of the cation M2+ on crystal structure and Optical Effects of divalent samarium-doped MAl2Si2O8 (M=Ca, Sr, Ba)”, RSC Advances., 2015, 2015, 5,19734-19742
Ling Li , Xiao Guang Liu,Hyeon Mi Noh, Byung Kee Moon, Byung Chun Choi, and Jung Hyun Jeong, “Photoluminescence of rare earth ions coactivated Ca9Y(VO4)7 with Cold, Natural and Warm White Emission”,Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2015, 158,18-30
Ling Li , Xiao Guang Liu, Hyeon Mi Noh, Byung Kee Moon, Byung Chun Choi, and Jung Hyun Jeong, “Formation and photoluminescence of pure hexagonal and monoclinic Sm2+/Sm3+ codoped BaAl2Si2O8 phase using a simple sol-gel technique”, Ceramics International, 2015,accepted