姓 名: 张玉红
出生年月: 1974年10
职称职务: 教授
专业方向: 高分子化学与物理、应用化学
办公电话: 02788662747
Email: zhangyuhong@hubu.edu.cn
1. 胶体复合微球的组装
2. 生物医用高分子材料
3. 乳液聚合及聚合物乳液
2015.06~ bet365足球外围网站 教授
2010.4~ 2015.06 bet365足球外围网站 副教授
2013.11~2014.11 美国佐治亚理工学院材料科学与工程学院 访学学者
1. PINPAM/GO有机无机复合凝胶的可控制备及其载药性能的研究,有机功能分子合成与应用教育部重点实验室开放基金,2016/09-2018/08,主持
2. 基于小分子液滴为模板单分散聚合物/SiO2复合微球的可控制备及形成机理研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金, 2013/01-2015/12,主持
3. 智能型高分子药物载体的合成、载药及药物控释研究,有机功能分子合成与应用教育部重点实验室开放基金,2014/09-2017/08,参与
4. 有机无机纳米复合乳液的合成与应用研究,有机功能分子合成与应用教育部重点实验室开放基金,2013/09-2015/08,主持
5. 超薄锂/氟化碳(Li/(CFx)n)软包装电池的生产工艺研究,有机化工新材料湖北省协同创新中心科研项目,2013/10 -2015/9,主要承担者
6. 纳米复合乳液的制备,功能材料绿色制备省部共建教育部重点实验室开放基金,2013/10-2015/09,主持
7. 柔性印制电路板用聚丙烯酸酯胶粘剂的制备及性能研究,光电化学材料与器件省部共建教育部重点实验室项目,2013/01-2014/12,主要承担者
8. 新型水性高分子的合成与应用研究,湖北应城鑫达矿粉公司,2012/11-2014/11,参与
9. 以小分子液滴为模板单分散复合微球的可控制备及应用研究,湖北省自然科学基金面上项目,2011/01-2012/12,主持
10. 草莓型P(St-BA)/SiO2有机无机复合微球的制备与应用研究,湖北省教育厅青年基金项目,2010/01-2011/12,主持
11. 丙烯酰胺类共聚物絮凝剂的合成及应用研究,广州杜丽邦化工科技公司, 2010/10–2011/10,主持
12. 细乳液聚合制备单分散有机无机纳米复合微球及应用研究,功能材料绿色制备省部共建教育部重点实验室开放基金,2010/01–2011/12,主持
1. Synthesis and swelling properties of grafting type and crosslinking type water-swellable elastomer,2010年武汉市自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖,排名第二
2. Preparation of raspberry-like polymer/silica nanocomposite microspheres via emulsifier-free polymerization in water/acetone media, 2011年武汉市自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖,排名第一
(1) Yuan Zhan, Mara Gon?alves, Panpan Yi, Débora Capelo, Yuhong Zhang*,Jo?o Rodrigues, Changsheng Liu, Helena Tomás, Yulin Li, Peixin He. Thermo/Redox/pH-stimulative nanogel delivery systems,Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine, 2016, 12: 567
(2) Peixin He, Panpan Yi, Hang Liu, Mingji Su, Yuhong Zhang*, Zhiguo Wang, Yulin Li. The effect of β-cyclodextrin on formation of poly (styrene-butyl acrylate) latexes and their film performance, Progress in Organic Coatings,2016, 99: 386–392
(3)张玉红, 江学良, 孙刚, 王维, 张姣. Gd2O3 空心微球的制备及Gd2O3/丁基橡胶复合材料低频阻尼性能, 复合材料学报,2016, 33(1): 84-91
(4) Yue Liu, Yuhong Zhang, Lanlan Duan, Weili Zhang, Mingji Su, Zhengguang Sun, Peixin He. Polystyrene/graphene oxide nanocomposites synthesized via Pickering polymerization. Progress in Organic coatings,2016, 99: 23-31
(5)殷俊,张玉红*,张伟丽,程珍琪,纪萍,何培新.GO/NR-NBR 复合材料的制备与性能复合材料学报,2016, 33(9): 1879-1886
(6)Zhaoxia Chen, Yuhong Zhang*, Yue Liu, Lanlan Duan, Zhiguo Wang,Changsheng Liu, Yulin Li, Peixin He. Nonionic surfactant-stabilized raspberry-like polymer/silica nanoparticles latex with film formability,Progress in Organic Coatings,2015,86:79-85
(7)Zhaoxia Chen, Yuhong Zhang*, Lanlan Duan, Zhiguo Wang, Yulin Li,Peixin He. Preparation of PSt/SiO2 nanoparticles with raspberry-like structure via nonionic surfactant miniemulsion polymerization,Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 2015, 29(19): 2117-2129
(8) 詹园, 何培新, 孙争光, 易盼盼, 张伟丽, 张玉红*, 李玉林. 还原和温度双重敏感 P (NIPAM-AA)纳米凝胶的合成及载药性能, 高等学校化学学报,2015,36(12):2563-2568
(9)Yuan Zhan, Mara Goncalves, Panpan Yi, Debora Capelo, Yuhong Zhang, Joao Rodrigues, Changsheng Liu, Helena Tomas, Yulin Li, Peixin He. Thermo/redox/pH-triple sensitive poly (N-isopropylacrylamide-co-acrylic acid) nanogels for anticancer drug delivery,Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2015,3:4221-4230
(10) Yi Yin, Kesong Hu, Anise M. Grant, Yuhong Zhang, Vladimir V. Tsukruk. Biopolymeric Nanocomposites with Enhanced Interphases, Langmuir,2015, 31:10859?10870
(11)Yuhong Zhang, Shanshan Pan, Shulun Ai, Hang Liu, Haiping Wang,Peixin He. Semi-continuous emulsion copolymerization of vinyl acetate and butyl acrylate in presence of AMPS,Iranian Polymer Journal, 2014, 23: 103-109
(12)Yuhong Zhang, Qingfeng Gu, Jun Yin, Zhiguo Wang, Peixin He.Effect of Organic-Montmorillonite Type on the Swelling Behavior of Superabsorbent Nanocomposites,Advances in Polymer Technology,2014,33(2):21400
(13)Yuhong Zhang, Zhaoxia Chen, Zhengfeng Dong, Meigui Zhao, Shengyao Ning, Peixin He. Preparation of raspberry-Like adsorbed silica nanoparticles via miniemulsion polymerization using a glycerol-functionalized silica sol,International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials, 2013,62:397-401
(14)Yuhong Zhang, Feng Gong, Xingning Zhang, Peixin He. Effects of the Reactive Compatibilizer CPE-g-GMA on Water Absorbing Ability and Mechanical Property of Blending Type Water-swellable Rubber,Advances in Polymer Technology,Advances in Polymer Technology,2013, 32(S1): E83-E89
(15)Yuhong Zhang, Haiqin Jin,Peixin He. Synthesis and Flocculation Characteristics of Chitosan and its Grafted Polyacrylamide,Advances in Polymer Technology,2012,31(4):292-297
(16)Yuhong Zhang, Qingfeng Gu, Zhengfeng Dong,Peixin He. Effect of Reaction Parameters on Swelling Properties of Poly (Acrylic Acid- Acrylamide / Montmorillonite) Nanocomposite Superabsorbents, Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering,2012,51:407-412
(17) Yuhong Zhang, Lemin Wang, Xiaohong Li, Peixin He. Salt-resistant superabsorbents from inverse-suspension polymerization of PEG methacrylate, acryamide and partially neutralized acrylic acid, Journal of Polymer Research,2011,18:157-161
(18) Yuhong Zhang, Xiaohong Li, Qinzheng Dong, Peixin He. Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of some cross-linked copolymers with alkyl chains of various lengths, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2011, 120: 1767-1773
(19) Yuhong Zhang, Bo Wang, Mingming Dai, Shanshan Pan, Fei Zhang, Peixin He. Studies on the preparation of stable and high solid content emulsifier-free poly (MMA/BA/HEA) latex with the addition of AMPS and characterization of the obtained copolymers, Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry,2011,48:409-415
(20) 张玉红,陈浩,邹其超. 非离子乳化剂细乳液聚合制备草莓型PSt/SiO2纳米复合微球, 高分子学报,2011,6:648-652.
(21) Yuhong Zhang, Peixin He. Properties and Morphology of Poly (vinyl chloride) Blended with Solid-State-Chlorinated Polyethylene, Journal Vinyl Additive Technology,2010, 16:120-126
(22)Yuhong Zhang, Qichao Zou, Xingwang Shu, Qingqiong Tang, Min Chen, Limin Wu. Preparation of raspberry-like polymer/silica nanocomposite microspheres via emulsifier-free polymerization in water/acetone media, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2009, 336: 544-550
(23)Yuhong Zhang, Hao Chen, Xingwang Shu, Qichao Zou, Min Chen. Fabrication and characterization of raspberry-like PSt/SiO2 composite microspheres via miniemulsion polymerization, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem.
Aspects 2009, 350: 26-32
(24)Yuhong Zhang, Hao Chen, Qichao Zou. Anionic surfactant for silica-coated polystyrene composite microspheres prepared with miniemulsion polymerization, Colloid Polym Sci, 2009, 287: 1221-1227